Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How can I use my video camera for a baby monitor?

best video camera for recording babies
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best video camera for recording babies image


I have an older digital video camera that I really don't use very much. I am trying to find a way to hook it up in the baby's-to-be room and connect it to our TV in our bedroom.

Are there certain cords that I need? Is this possible? I'm hoping to fix it so that it is on, but not recording.

You can get a wireless transmitter, or buy some extra long Video Cable.. But you may have a problem with the camera's auto off feature. if its not recording it will go off after a certain amount of time.

What would be a good video camera for capturing a hedgehog birth?


My hedgehog is having babies. I heard how elusive a video of an actual hedgehog giving birth is so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a low price (Under $200) video camera that can be left up all day recording. It also has to be small and easily attachable to the cage. Although those are all preferences so you can just give me the links to all suitable cameras.

I would be very careful with introducing a foreign object, especially into the the cage of a new mom. Hedgehogs are renowned for their cannibalistic behaviour often practiced when they feel threatened or unsafe with a new litter, and if a scary object with new smells and blinking lights were to be set up in what they presumed was a safe place, they babies may not have a good chance of survival.

My suggestion is to take pictures of the babies after they are two weeks old and you begin handling them, otherwise you may end up with a video of your hedgie eating her young.

Good luck!

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