Sunday, May 19, 2013

How can I make a really good tutorial video?

Q. I would like to make a really good tutorial video so I can upload it to youtube. Any comments will be appreciated...Thanks

A. Hi.

I make tutorial videos on YouTube, they are recorded with screen recordings and are edited together. There are two types of video tutorials:

1. Recorded with Video Camera
2. Recorded with Screen Recorder

I personally make my tutorials with screen recorders, because my tutorials are software based. Screen recorders are used to show people whats on the computer screen through your point of view, without resorting to pointing the camera at the screen. Using a screen recorder is suitable for tutorial makers interested in teaching their viewers how to use computer programs.

If this is you, you will need a good mic, and a screen recorder. It is optional but I also recommend a good video editing program like SOny Vegas.

Here is my set up:

Microsoft Lifechat LX-2000 Headset; $40
Camtasia Studio 5; $300
Sony Vegas Pro 8; $600

Now I've been doing this for a long time, and as a result I create very high quality tutorials that are regularly viewed by thousands. You can view them here:

Now, if you want to make a tutorial based on live action things (such as "How to plant a tree", or "How to do a layup in basketball") You will need a video camera.

These range from about $90 - $1,000.
The Canon HV30 is an excellent video camera, it records in HD, it has remarkable features, and is easy to set up. It costs about $900

Again, you will also need a video editing program. Sony Vegas Pro 9 is the new release candidate and its about $650.

I would also recommend getting a basic lighting kit. What I do is I go to Home Depot and pick up three work clamp lights, these are like $7 each and clamp to almost anything - this allows you to get the three lighting sets: The key light, the fill light, and the optional back light.

You may also want to consider getting a good green screen and a boom mic. This will improve your video quality.

Think long and hard about your tutorials. Ask yourself things like "Who will be watching my tutorials?" and "What will they already know, and be expected to learn?"

Then write a small script. Don't read directly from it, just jot down some ideas and think about what to say before you record it - remember that you can edit these out later.

If your looking to start a hobby out of this, try using an Internet pseudonym. Mine is Techtopia.

Tutorial making is fun and can be a great profession. Even at 13 years old, which is my age, I can earn lots of money doing it. I know one tutorial maker, who gets paid on average about $600 monthly to make video tutorials. Just put some time and effort into it, and it should turn out to be an interesting experience. If you need any help contact me on YouTube -

how do i burn a dvd while recording live?
Q. I am a college basketball coach. It would be extremely efficient if, after filming the game, we had a finished copy of the game already burnt onto a dvd.

I am trying to skip the step of have two mini-dvds and having to burn them onto a larger disc after the game.

A. This is actually pretty easy.

You will need two things - a dvd recorder and a video camera with an audio/video output.

It will work better if you have the camera on a tripod. Connect the AV output on the camera to the AV input on the recorder using the AV cable that comes with the camera.

Both items should be available at any Walmart or online. Your current camera may work too as long as it has an AV output.

If you need more help, feel free to e-mail me.

How much should I charge to film and edit basketball games?
Q. There youth basketball games, hockey games, all sports. How much should I charge the parents. For some people I will be doing highlights, for some people I will just record the seasons for them, and clean them up in the editing rooms. How much per game or season, is $20 a game too much?

A. is it just one parent on the team asking for the videos? if more than one want the same thing, then you can charge less for copies, since it's very cheap to make a copy once you are done - $20 for the one - if 3 parents want copies, then make it $15 each - you get $45 total for the game. video camera are so cheap anymore - almost everyone who has kids in sports probably already has one

that's a lot of time spent editing - how much per hour will that come to for your $20?

I would charge probably $10 per game per copy just for an unedited video of each game - let the people do their own editing - the kids can probably figure that out on their own

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