Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to make photos from a digital video camera recording.?

best video camera for recording sports
 on Fr. Antonii Castel ... Brevis Expositio Ad Quatuor Petri Lombardi ...
best video camera for recording sports image


We have a Sony digital video camera that records on a small magnetic tape. When we watch recordings of our kids sports events, you can pause the recording and the still image on the TV is fantastic! Is there a way to turn these still images into photographs that can be developed at the drug store? I haven't tried taking a picture of the TV screen yet, we're looking for something a little higher tech.

Most editing programs will let you do a screen capture. This would be done on the computer.

What is a good digital video camera for recording piano playing?


For youtube and stuff. I have a normal piano not an electric one. I also want to use the camera for recording sports and stuff. I want the sound on the piano to not be distorted like it is on most cameras and I want the sound to sound like it really does. Thanks. I would prefer that it was under $200. THANKS!!!!!

Any kind of Point & Shoot camera would fit your shooting style and price range.

Look for:
Canon Powershot
Nikon Coolpix
Sony Cybershot

Good luck!

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