Saturday, December 14, 2013

I'm looking for a 12 mp minimum, HD video recording digital camera?

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Q. I'm looking for a digital camera with HD video recording capability.
I want it to have a descent optical zoom, a minimum of 12 mega pixels and good recording capabilities at night time (and photo).
What kind of camera/make should I look for? Any suggestions?

Megapixels means nothing these days.. do you print out on A2? No? Good then you don't need more then 8 Megapixels

Right that said a good lens does matters. Good glass is so nice to have! And of course looking for image quality always important sometimes it is better to invest in a more limited model with better image quality because.. well you want the best right?

Night time recording? What is your budget? The point is that the laws of nature don't change to make a picture or a video you need LIGHT! Raising ISO' s will only get you so far..

I guess a DSLR could, it has a nice big sensor so low noise and coupled with the right lens [in your case a wide aperture prime] it would give relative noise free images and video at night. Do buy one with an external sound jack though because the in build microphones are usually pretty good at catching wind noise.

So most basic DSLR with HD video + Prime Lens + Tripod [really you are going to need it] and the basic set of memory cards and batteries. Oh and of course an external Microphone.. mmm $1100?

You know a HD video camera is cheaper.. but won't make as nice still shots ;)

I am looking for a high quality digital camera for not a lot of money?


I would like a camera with HD video recording
12 megapixels or more
at least 5x zoom
preferably a 3.0inch LCD screen

i like canon
and i would like to be able to use the zoom while recording
i would also like a lot of features
like toy camera effect

and for a reasonable price? I am trying to get a camera for....lets say under $200 but still takes great high quality photos
any suggestions?

Sony tx5- it's freeze proof , dust proof, water proof, and shockproof. It records 720p vid and takes pics at 10.1 mp. It's nice megapixels don matter

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What are some digital cameras that can also record videos?

Friday, December 13, 2013

I have a video/camera with a button tht says share to fbook? 10 points?

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I have a camera/video recording from christmas, and im going on vacation with my boyfriend and his family and so i want to put pictures up. I take a photo and their a share button so i click it and than check off the fbook one, but it doesnt do anything? How do i send it to my fbook?

You will need to plug in a USB cable to a computer it then will prompt you to sign on to Facebook then follow instructions.

How can i make a home-made infrarred camera?


Well i've had this question for a while, and the reason for what I want to make an infrarred camera, it sounds pervert, yet it would be fun, the reason is to see through people's clothes.
So.. Please can someone tell me the steps & the materials?
Atm i have a Sony digital camera, which can video record or take a photo.

you have a slight misconception. all cameras work with light, and generally that is the light that is reflected off the subject. IR cameras are identical, excpet the light source is an IR illuminator instead of an ordinary lightbulb. So they don't see through clothing, they see the IR reflected off clothing..... IR cameras are useful in situation where you don't want the light source to be visible to the subject, like for surveillence cameras. CCDs are sensitive to IR just as they are to light. digital cameras use an IR blocking filter in order to prevent false color in normal pictures. To see IR only, the blocking filter has to be removed and a low-pass light blocking filter added. A body does not generate enough IR content to make an image in the camera, for that you need a FLIR camera, and again you won't see through clothing, but you will see temperature bands which allows a person's outline to be differentiated against a cool background.

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What type of Camera would be good to record amateur movies, music videos, etc.?

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Basically what kind of device (camera, slr,camcorder etc) one thats up to date with HD and all that good stuff. Short films for school/youtube and good sound as well. Forums online get too crazy and I know alot has to do with preference but I would just like some suggestions on the types of devices I should be looking for.

HD camcorders interpolate the video, which means of every 25 frames of video, 4 or 5 frames are taken by the lens assembly; the other frames in between these are filled in by the camcorder inner circuitry, thus giving you not true video. It looks like this -one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, from front to back of the video. Near impossible to edit, even when you have the Multi port processor computer with the big 1GB Graphics card and a Sound card that is required to edit, view, watch and work with the files these camcorders produce.

Consumer level HD camcorders have 4 problems. 1) Blurry, fuzzy, out of focus areas closely around people in videos taken by consumer level HD camcorders. 2) Any movement, even a wave or lifting an arm, while in front of a recording consumer level HD camcorder, results in screen ghosts and artifacts being left on the video track, following the movement. Makes for bad video, sports videos are unwatchable. 3) These Consumer level HD camcorders all have a habit of the transferred to computer files are something you need to convert, thus losing your HD quality, to work with your editing software. 4) Mandatory maximum record times - 1 hour, 30 minutes, 8 minutes, 3 minutes – four different times advertised as maximum record time for some consumer level HD camcorders. No event I have ever been to is that short. Either take multiple camcorders or pack up with out getting the end of the event on video.

MiniDV is currently the most popular format for consumer digital camcorders. MiniDV camcorders are typically more affordable than their HDD and DVD counterparts. Each MiniDV tape will typically hold an hour of footage at normal recording speed and quality. MiniDV tapes are available for purchase at not only electronic and camera stores, but also at drugs stores and grocery stores, making them easy to find while your on vacation. There are literally hundreds of MiniDV camcorders available; both in standard and high-definition. And add the fact that to get a HD camcorder that could produce better video quality footage, one would have to spend in excess of $3500 for that camcorder that could produce higher quality video.

Can you really be 'caught' on recorded surveillance camera footage?

Horny Goat

If cameras weren't supervised live, only recorded. And you find out that some inventory was missing, say $1000's worth. Would it make since to hire someone to go back and review the recordings? For example, you hire someone at $10/hr, to check out 3 month's worth of video. 3 Month's worth is about (12 hr days x 6 cameras x 7 days a week x 4 weeks x 3 months = ) 6048hrs worth of footage. Let's say that the footage is viewed 4x speed, that would still leave 1512 hrs of tapes to observe, that's 1512hrs x $10/hr = $15,120. Even half of that would be $7560! With this in mind, would it make since for a retailer to investigate their loss? Because at places like Best Buy, Costco, and Sam's Club, your receipt will get checked - which in my opinion is the most effective and economical theft deterent. At other places like the newly understaffed Circuit City only seems to be some employees, recording cameras, and an unguarded door, which I think is a haven for crooks. Your thoughts?

If the film is digital, then a computer can analyse the recordings. There are several ways to do this.

What you are looking for is when the inventory in question gets moved by anyone. You are not interested in people walking past the inventory, or taking inventory other than what is missing.

One computer program can compare one frame to the next frame ... if identical, because no one there, and nothing moved, then you are not interested ... only when one frame is different from the next, are you interested ... the computer copies what changed, to another tape ... now what needs human review is dramatically reduced, puls you have highlighted human actions only with the missing inventory.

With this and other techniques the computer can fast forward at 100x speed through the parts of the footage where nothing relevant happening.

This leaves you footage where people moved the inventory in question, in which some of it may have been legitimate ... maybe there was $ 4,500.00 worth of inventory with $ 1,000.00 missing meaning that $ 3,500.00 was legally moved.

There's all kinds of crooked possibilities.

Customers come into a store ... they see one product with price tag of $ 50.00 & another with price tag of $ 40.00, they switch tags & buy the $ 50.00 item for $ 40.00 ... the more similar the products appear to be, the more difficult it is to detect this.

The poster about the gas station reminds me ... the gas station convenience store people are constantly changing the prices on the pumps. Some customers have figured out how to do this ... they drive up to the pump, the price is $ 3.50 a gallon ... they fiddle with the dials ... the price is nos $ 1.50 a gallon ... they buy 10 gallons at that price. A string of other people buy at that price. No one tells the store keeper that there's a bargain here.

Some of the biggest financial crimes have been by sub contractors ... the retail store gets some other company to come in to take inventory, or do an audit, or install some cameras, or whatever, and the other company has employees with sticky fingers, or who are careless about computer security.

There was a union at one of these places, whose membership knew how the retailer ordered inventory, and they found a way to cause the retailer inventory records to get erased. They did this at the same time as going out on strike.

It would be inappropriate in this forum to spell out in detail how the various crimes can be done & how to deter them, because then some crooks might get ideas they do not already have.

You can be sure that the major retail stores have people working for them whose job it is to figure out economical ways to fight insider crime, but we can tell from the news, such as computer breaches, that many of these places are a bit unconcerned about security when it is their customers being ripped off by identity theft.

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Does HD video on a regular digital camera compare to a Flip camera?

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I don't want to lug around a still camera and a pocket HD video camera. Is the video recording on the new digital point & shoots comparable to the Flip and it's competitors, or is a dedicated video camera better?

the video quality of most digital point and shoot cameras is about equivilent to the quality of the flip video. it may be even better if the digital camera will shoot HD Video (720 or 1080)
Neither of these will compare to the quality of the better traditional video camera's which are available today.
Another thing you may want to consider is a Digital SLR which has HD Video shooting, such as the Canon T1i or T21 or the Nikon D5000.
These will take video that is superior to anything but professional HD video cameras, for a very reasonable price.
The user interface will take some getting used to, since the camera won't auto focus while shooting, and the zoom function will be performed by rotating the zoom dial on the lens, but I can attest that the video quality is supurb.

I need a good point and shoot camera?


I was wondering if is a really good point and shoot camera under 100$ that has really good shooting quality, battery life, and videos which has good recording and crisp audio? A camera that would be easy to carry around? Thanks!

Under $100, you are in serious toy-territory.

When you're on such a very tight budget, you're limited to a ultra basic little Point & Shoot camera, and many of those are very similar so it really doesn't matter too much which one you pick (although I would stick with Canon, Nikon or Fujifilm and certainly stay away from Kodak, Vivitar and GE).

In perfect lighting situations, they will take pretty decent photos.
However, they do all have limitations (especially shutter lag and low light issues), and a huge problem is often the lack of manual controls, which of course limits you so drastically in what you can do.

Quite a lot of the limitations can be overcome - or at least improved - by learning a bit about photography.

Read the manual several times, attend a class, borrow some books and look online for tutorials.
I can guarantee you that some knowledge will help you make the most of your camera, whichever one you end up buying.

Do keep in mind that for that sort of money your camera will have a TINY sensor and you can not expect miracles from it.

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How do you make the camera recording effect on Windows Movie Maker?

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I'm making something and I already have the video but I want to put the recording symbol at the top. Can I do this on Windows Movie Maker? I have the Vista version by the way.

Good thing you have the Vista version. Its still the best version of Movie Maker in my view.

Luckily I found this blog where you can download a lot of enhancement packs for the Vista version of Movie Maker (Windows Movie Maker 6.0). Here's a custom camcorder overlay for WMM 6.0. Just choose the right version if you're on 32 or 64 bit.

And here's a selection of other custom overlays you can try as well.

Good luck..

How do you record off your built in computor camera?


I have windows 7 on my laptop and I can't figure out how to record a video off the built in camera. Thank you

There should be a pre-installed webcam program (e.g Cyberlink YouCam)

Even if there isn't one or you can't find it, download and use the simple Windows Live Movie Maker 2011.
Download link:

Its free from Microsoft. Once installed, click on the webcam video button in the top row under the Home tab. It should show you the viewfinder. Start recording from there.

Good Luck

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

How can I open a JAV file on my computer?

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I am trying to play a video that I recorded with a video camera of my golf swing and I can't seem to get the file to open on my computer.


humm sounds like a java file possibly.

Goto and download their software. See if that helps.

What video camera is best to film golf or tennis swing?

csss s

I need a relatively cheap(under 300) camera that I can record swings, and then immediately be able to show my student on the camera playback ith slomo or freeze frame

Search 'high speed video camera' . Same golf results.

Theres a couple. Casios and nikon j1

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What video camera from Best buy under 300$ that will record good quality of a garage band and guitar playing?

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What video camera from Best buy under 300$ that will record good quality of a garage band and guitar playing?
Or if there is a better one at wal-mart/circuit city/ whatever that has good sound quality for recording loud guitar distortion noises/garage band practices that is under or near 300$, please post it here


Your problem will be the sound, not the video. Any camcorder at the lower end of the market is easily overwhelmed by volume levels of the sort you encounter at a gig or rehearsal. Find one that has a seperate audio input (preferably stereo) and run a line out of the desk. Failing that use an external mike and attenuate the signal before it hits the camera.

How can we upload a video from our video camera onto facebook?


Hello. My mom wants to upload a video of me playing guitar onto facebook. We have one of those video cameras where you record everything onto a DVD. I was wondering how we would go about turning it into a file, so that we would be about to upload it onto facebook. Several answers would be greatly appreciated. We are slightly (ok, a lot!) technologically impaired, lol. Thanks in advance!

You would need to use a DVD ripper program like DVD Decrypter. One of my boy-buddies uses VideoStudio by Corel. which has more features than just ripping. You put the mini-disc into the DVD tray of your computer making sure it sits centrally in the little depression made for it. You will have to 'finalize' the mini DVD so that your computer can read the disc - your camera manual will tell you how to do that.

Inside VideoStudio you select "Insert DVD/DVD-VR" and point the program at the DVD and follow the prompts and the video is copied from the disc into the time-line of VideoStudio so that you can edit it - add lots of different videos together cut out bits you don't want - add titles/music/narration - Then you can then output the project to a mpeg file and post it on FB.

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Advice on a decent priced miniature video camera?

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My husband is deploying to Afghanistan, I have small children and would like to purchase a set of video cameras so that I can video the kids and and he can video small clips through the day to send us later when he has internet access. Thanks for any advice! Again I would like to reiterate that it needs to be affordable with decent quality! and miniature so it's not a pain to carry around!

If you're just looking for "little" clips to send back and forth, then I suggest either a Flip or Bloggie. The Mino series, for Flip, is slim and light weight, and I believe most of them have 720p capabilities. They record for an hour, or so, worth of filming. The Ultra series, for Flip, is a little bulkier, but records for two hours. The Flip features a USB arm, that "flips" out of the camera and allows for data transfer to the computer to allow a user to send video, and such.

The "Bloggie" series, by Sony, is a slim, lightweight camera that allows a user to record video AND takes still pictures (Even while recording video). There are two versions of the "Bloggie" camera that may interest you. The "Bloggie Touch" is the more advanced, and newer, version that released recently. The image capture is rated at 12.8 megapixels, and the recording capability is 1080p (Albeit, the larger the video, the longer it'll take to send. However, you can switch between 1080p, 720p and 200-something, which is a lightweight video). There's an older version of the "Bloggie" that does the same as the touch, but only captures 5 Megapixel still photos, but it's a little cheaper.

The Flip will run you around 120 - 200 dollars, depending on the model you purchase. The Bloggie will run you around 120 - 160, or so, dollars. Both cameras have around a 2 hour recording time, and the only big difference is the quality they record in, and the ability to take stills. Both are great for "pocket cameras."

Is it illegal in the state of California for a neighbor to videotape another neighbor without them knowing?


We just caught our neighbor sitting outside on his property with a video camera taping us through the fence we share. We are on our property and we like to sit in the backyard and talk. My boyfriend's father noticed it first and came to ask if we saw the same thing. My boyfriend confronted the guy and asked if there was anything we can do for him and why he had a video camera on his lap pointed at us. He said "no, and its pointed and his fence". I have a small child in the house and am afraid now to go outside or let him out. I don't want a creep to have my child on camera. Is what the neighbor doing illegal? Should I call the cops?

"We just caught our neighbor sitting outside on his property with a video camera taping us through the fence we share."

Yes, the guy is a creep.

Go to the police and discuss this with them.

Ideally they will advise you to get a restraining order against the neighbor, but you have to go to court for this.

The next time you sit in your yard, if you see him pointing a video camera towards you again call the police and have someone meet the officer at the front door and bring the officer into the back yard and to the fence.

Get your own video camera so you can record this guy while he records you.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What is the best affordable digital camera with hd video for home music video? I have a mac and Adobe CS5?

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Johnny C

what is the best digital camera for recording an artsy film looking music video on a budget of 450.00

Really there is no dSLR that is designed to record music the way it needs to be recorded, 20-20kHz.

Entry level camera with a video feature are mono only audio input and to get the best recording levels, You need to buy a separate microphone as well

Here is what a dSLR looks like when outfitted with all the accessories needed to shoot video with sound.

Just the stereo audio component will use up your whole budget.

The guys that used to shoot music video in our studio used real video cameras like the Panansonic P2 series cameras.


You may want to rethink your project and rent the correct tool for the job of creating a music video and see if you can get hired as part of the crew on a music video production to learn exactly how one is made, from writing the script to final edit and what costs are involved

NOTE: Photoshop CS5 is a still photography retouching program. You will need something like Adobe Premiere Pro to edit video

Is there a digital camera where you can see yourself while you're filming videos? Like a front screen?


I know Samsung came out with a digital camera with a front LCD screen (TL220, TL225, etc) but the front LCD screen doesn't work while you're recording videos. I want a digital camera in the range of 100-300USD that can film HD videos. Or if you guys have any camcorder suggestions, that would be helpful too. thanks!

you might consider JVC Everio GZ-HM200 Dual SD High-Def Camcorder
# Dual SD card slot for dual memory continuous recording
# 1920x1080 Full HD recording
# 20x optical zoom with Konica Minolta HD lens
# Laser-touch operation with sub-trigger and zoom; one-touch upload to YouTube

Panasonic HDCTM15 16GB Full HD Camcorder

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Can you take a video camera into a professional musical production in America?

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I have taken a video camera into other productions such as bands when they play in Australia. But Im going to Seattle to see the musical cats. What are the laws with this type of thing?

I live in seattle and most of the time with these shows they will say before the production "Please no photography or recording". So it is illegal, i don't know what the charges would be, but id just say don't do it. Have fun, that's one of my favorite musicals.

some questions about the flip video camera?

where the

I'm looking into getting a flip video camera to record a mission trip and band camp.

two questions:
1. can i expand the memory so that it records longer than 60 minutes? (or 120, depending on which model i get)
2. how do i charge the battery? can i take it out, or do i have to plug a cable in?

1. no you can no expand the memory but after you load the and save the vids on to your computer you can delete them from your flip and record more vids.

2. you dont charge the flip you use 2 AA batteries and the last pretty long depending on how often you use it.

also once you load the vids onto your computer you can edit things out of each vid and then you can combine thevids to make a movie and you can add music to your vids.

here is an example of some vids from the flip that i made.

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What is a good camera for recording videos and taking pictures.?

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I'm looking into buying a camera to record videos but I would like to be able to take pictures with it also.

Any advanced P&S camera can do the job.

Plan on spending from $300 to $400 for a good bridge camera

Is a Canon Powershot SX40 HS considered a professional camera?


I intend to use it at a concert and I'm not sure if it is considered a "professional" camera.

MSG Camera Policy

Video cameras, mono pods, tripods, audio recording devices and cameras with professional telephoto or zoom lenses are inside MSG at any time. This policy will be strictly enforced. You may bring in non professional or disposable cameras.However, for some events, cameras of any type and/or flash photography may be completely prohibited. Any photos taken are for personal use only and may not be sold, licensed or distributed.

As others have said, it's not a camera that a professional would use, but the phrase "professional telephoto or zoom lens" is ambiguous and your average bouncer probably won't know the difference between a proper DSLR with a long telephoto zoom and a bridge camera with a long zoom either. The SX40 HS is quite a large camera and they might object to that.

It also says " for some events, cameras of any type and/or flash photography may be completely prohibited" - are you sure your concert is not one of those events?

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What kinda of video camera should I buy?

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I am somewhat on a budget, but I will pay for quality. I am mainly wanting it to record live music in bars, so I want something that can handle that much noise clearly.

This part is not necessary but I'm going on a canoe trip soon, so if there is one I can take down the river too, that would be awesome. But I don't want to sacrifice video/sound quality just for that.

Live music = loud = camera or camcorder needs some sort of audio gain control. I would also expect that these would be night scenes - or poor indoor lighting. Hopefully, there is stage lighting for the performers.

Canoe trip = waterproof. Generally, there are housings available for waterproofing, so I think the long-pole is the audio control.

Step 1: Set a budget.

At the low end, there's the GoPro Hero or something from the Canon HF R line. With the GoPro's using an external digital audio recorder like a Zoom H1 and synching audio when editing the video. With the proper camcorder like the Canon HF R series, then use the "attenuator" mic setting for loud audio and a waterproof "bag". The camera is not expected to deep in the water, so an expensive deep-water housing is not needed. I think the Ewa Marine VLA would fit most of the Canon HF series camcorders. Sony has its line of underwater housings for Sony camcorders so any of the HDR-series cams can work for both your needs... Another angle is the Zoom Q3HD and not use it while canoeing (but after landing).

what is a high quality camera for recording music?


what is a high quality camera for recording music (singing, piano, electric guitar, drums)?
how can you make music videos smooth and professional sounding? i don't have a studio either.

Well, you don't say what kind of budget your have but, you want high quality so, start with this article - - Now, that you understand a little about what's involved, here is one of the least expensive high quality cameras. The average price if a high qualtiy camera is around $10,000.

However, for recording live sound, if you want the highest quality, you need to record it with Pro Tools recording software directly off the mixer that the band plays through and you then need to sync your video with the Pro Tools audio using Pro Tools.

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What percentage of people do you think use electronic devices without ever changing default values?

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Barkley Ho

I will bet that over 90% of the people with digital cameras, video cameras, and even cell phones have no idea on how to change any settings. I had a friend who thought his video camera was broken because it would not keep recording when he took his finger off the button. One of his children had changed the setting. How many people with 8 mega pixel cameras leave it at the highest setting and only view pictures on their computer. How many people with satellite tv scan through every channel in the directory because they have no idea you can set favorites. I can go on forever.

80-90% easy. If i had the time, I'd find you a bunch of articles and research that I have read recently about this phenomenon..

basically, when a company is looking to improve a product, they go about surveying and testing what their consumers "want" in a product..

not in context, on a piece of paper.. of course you're going to say, "yeah I want the ability to start my washing machine and defrost my car from my video camera." In practice, of course, no one would ever use such features.. the end result is a junked up consumer interface full of stuff that (while functional) serves little purpose to the common consumer outside of showing off gadgets to your neighbor, good reviews in consumer reports, and bells and whistles for salespeople.

Can someone tell me the best digital camera with video recording capabilities.?


must take great stills, have video recording capabilities as well.
i will be purchasing from ebay.

Go to where they have reviews for every camera and prices as well.

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What is a good camera to record video games on tv?

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Jack Starb

I want to record video game commentary's On YouTube but I don't have a good camera if anyone watches dspGamming and knows what phill uses that would be great! It docent have to be the one he uses any good one.

try getting a screen recorder like dazzle. look up youtube videos for more info

What is the best affordable camera I can use to record video game footage?

Sid S

I want to try and record video game footage and I saw a way how to. Just hook up a camera into the TV with a Y splitter with the console. I tried to look for a camera but I don't know which camera has an A/V Input to it.

try looking up a newelectronx tristar mx hd pvr

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Monday, December 9, 2013

How can shift the iphone picture and the camera video recording easily to the iphone picture and the camera?

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Ljm Ljm

I want to shift the iphone picture and the camera video recording to my computer and share it with my fa miry and friends

There are a couple ways to do this. One is to sync the iPhone & computer using iTunes. Another is to open the picture or video, and email it. And lastly, another way is to connect the iPhone to a windows computer without itunes, select use as camera or open files when windows recognizes it as a new device, and copy them over.

What's the best point and shoot camera for video recording?


What's the best point and shoot camera for video recording? Cash limit is $200. Thanks!

one of the better products in this price range is the Casio Exilim EX-Z80... it has a youtube capture (640x480 @30fps) also records in a higher Wide VGA (848 x 480 @ 30 fps), perfect for watching video on a widescreen monitor or TV. and it records to the H.264/AVC AAC, MOV format... which will allow the video to be transfered to Apple multimedia devices directly without being re-encoded. There are a number of cameras that record video to other formats...such as MJPEG and Quicktime...but the audio portion is usually WAV... and that audio format uses up more space and conversion is needed when watching on PMP devices. Its currently on sale at B&H for $140. This camera is also not a slacker when it comes to other features , face detection, and image quality. Another nice unique feature for video fans is a dedicated Movie button. No need to dig though screen menus and you can go from shutter button to movie button instantly!
Good Luck and happy shooting

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I'm looking for a 12 mp minimum, HD video recording digital camera?

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Q. I'm looking for a digital camera with HD video recording capability.
I want it to have a descent optical zoom, a minimum of 12 mega pixels and good recording capabilities at night time (and photo).
What kind of camera/make should I look for? Any suggestions?

Megapixels means nothing these days.. do you print out on A2? No? Good then you don't need more then 8 Megapixels

Right that said a good lens does matters. Good glass is so nice to have! And of course looking for image quality always important sometimes it is better to invest in a more limited model with better image quality because.. well you want the best right?

Night time recording? What is your budget? The point is that the laws of nature don't change to make a picture or a video you need LIGHT! Raising ISO' s will only get you so far..

I guess a DSLR could, it has a nice big sensor so low noise and coupled with the right lens [in your case a wide aperture prime] it would give relative noise free images and video at night. Do buy one with an external sound jack though because the in build microphones are usually pretty good at catching wind noise.

So most basic DSLR with HD video + Prime Lens + Tripod [really you are going to need it] and the basic set of memory cards and batteries. Oh and of course an external Microphone.. mmm $1100?

You know a HD video camera is cheaper.. but won't make as nice still shots ;)

What's the best budget/business user digital camera for video blogging?


I'm looking to buy a digital camera. I'm a novice at best, but want something with professional looking photos and a good video recording capability (Audio is a must also.) What are your recommendations?
I'm leaning towards the Canon PowerShot Elph 300 HS. Thanks in advance!

The Canon 300 HS is a fine choice. If you like it, then stick with it. I'd also suggest going to a nearby camera/electronic store to try out some for yourself though.

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How can I make a really good tutorial video?

best video camera for recording basketball
 on best dslr camera for video recording on best dslr camera for video ...
best video camera for recording basketball image


I would like to make a really good tutorial video so I can upload it to youtube. Any comments will be appreciated...Thanks


I make tutorial videos on YouTube, they are recorded with screen recordings and are edited together. There are two types of video tutorials:

1. Recorded with Video Camera
2. Recorded with Screen Recorder

I personally make my tutorials with screen recorders, because my tutorials are software based. Screen recorders are used to show people whats on the computer screen through your point of view, without resorting to pointing the camera at the screen. Using a screen recorder is suitable for tutorial makers interested in teaching their viewers how to use computer programs.

If this is you, you will need a good mic, and a screen recorder. It is optional but I also recommend a good video editing program like SOny Vegas.

Here is my set up:

Microsoft Lifechat LX-2000 Headset; $40
Camtasia Studio 5; $300
Sony Vegas Pro 8; $600

Now I've been doing this for a long time, and as a result I create very high quality tutorials that are regularly viewed by thousands. You can view them here:

Now, if you want to make a tutorial based on live action things (such as "How to plant a tree", or "How to do a layup in basketball") You will need a video camera.

These range from about $90 - $1,000.
The Canon HV30 is an excellent video camera, it records in HD, it has remarkable features, and is easy to set up. It costs about $900

Again, you will also need a video editing program. Sony Vegas Pro 9 is the new release candidate and its about $650.

I would also recommend getting a basic lighting kit. What I do is I go to Home Depot and pick up three work clamp lights, these are like $7 each and clamp to almost anything - this allows you to get the three lighting sets: The key light, the fill light, and the optional back light.

You may also want to consider getting a good green screen and a boom mic. This will improve your video quality.

Think long and hard about your tutorials. Ask yourself things like "Who will be watching my tutorials?" and "What will they already know, and be expected to learn?"

Then write a small script. Don't read directly from it, just jot down some ideas and think about what to say before you record it - remember that you can edit these out later.

If your looking to start a hobby out of this, try using an Internet pseudonym. Mine is Techtopia.

Tutorial making is fun and can be a great profession. Even at 13 years old, which is my age, I can earn lots of money doing it. I know one tutorial maker, who gets paid on average about $600 monthly to make video tutorials. Just put some time and effort into it, and it should turn out to be an interesting experience. If you need any help contact me on YouTube -

how do i burn a dvd while recording live?


I am a college basketball coach. It would be extremely efficient if, after filming the game, we had a finished copy of the game already burnt onto a dvd.

I am trying to skip the step of have two mini-dvds and having to burn them onto a larger disc after the game.

This is actually pretty easy.

You will need two things - a dvd recorder and a video camera with an audio/video output.

It will work better if you have the camera on a tripod. Connect the AV output on the camera to the AV input on the recorder using the AV cable that comes with the camera.

Both items should be available at any Walmart or online. Your current camera may work too as long as it has an AV output.

If you need more help, feel free to e-mail me.

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What do you recommend for recording devices?

best canon camera for video recording
 on 28mm wide angle lens with 720p hd video recording red
best canon camera for video recording image


I am a YouTube artist (username: irenemusique). Currently, I am using a rather average canon video-camera for recording. As you might have noticed, the sound quality is not ideal. What are your suggestions for recording devices that are affordable and suitable for amateurs? Also... I do recording at my own house, so I don't have "sponge wall"... What are possible substitutions for that? Thanks!! Again, "affordability" is the key!! I don't want to spend too much money on equipments.

I am wondering if that Canon camcorder has a Mic jack. If it does, any mic will fit into it and move you where you need to be. You could even hook up a wireless lavaliere Mic, the positions you can be are mostly endless, Look Mom, no wires!

I do not know how you shoot your Youtube videos. Do go to Youtube and use the video uploader to shoot a video right to youtube, no editing, no storage what so ever on your hard drive(s)? If you do this, get microphone and plug it into your computers Mic jack.

If you shoot your videos while your editing software is open, like I do, You would need that Mic jack on the camera. f you shoot, then put the video on a hard drive and run the footage through a video editing program, then get a Digital sound recorder and mix the audio in while editing

Other wise, visit my site. I have 3 Canon Camcorders, every one of them with a Mic jack. But I also have Mics, mixers, recorders, lights all either running or standing by to be used at a moments use. Use my site a jumping off board for the things I need, maybe not the same things, but similar things as you see you need or can use.

How do I change the video settings on a canon camera?


I have a SD 1400 IS canon camera, and it has HD video which takes up a lot of space. Is there any way to change the settings for that so it's not as big a file so it doesn't take up as much space?

Sure you can do that - read your manual.

However be aware if you allow less space your quality will be in the tank and look like an old, cheap digital camera recording 640. High quality, more space, simple as that.

My suggestion would be to buy more and larger cards.

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