Sunday, November 24, 2013

I need to know how to edit a video clip I recorded with my video camera. It is too dark to see my baby's face

best video camera for recording babies
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best video camera for recording babies image


My bf and I were video taping the baby with a combo video camera/mp3/digital camera and got the cutest video ever, but it came out so dark you can't see the baby's face. I need to know how to edit it so you can see the baby. I tried paint shop pro, but it won't let me upload the video, any ideas?

Making exposure corrections on videos is done using professional equipment and software ... in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Unfortunately you will need to re-shoot with better lighting.

Can my babies fathers mother record me as evidence in court?


My babies fathers mother and him obviously, showed up to pick up my daughter, he ended up threatening my fiancé (he had a gun and a knife on him to pick up the baby, he has a gun license but I still don't think it's right he brought it to pick up a 3 year old little girl) but his mother after the fact started recording me with her video camera because I started flipping out and called 911, can they use this as evidence in court to try to prove me unfit?

Can my babies fathers mother record me as evidence in court?
The answer is "that depends".

Some states have wiretap laws that require both parties that are being recorded to give their consent to be recorded. This applies to audio but not to video. If the woman was audiotaping you without consent and not acting as a law enforcement officer with a warrant then she may have committed a crime. This could be a little fuzzy if the event occurred in a public place. If this was in your home then you have a much more solid case of you being a victim of illegal wiretapping. Keep in mind that making threats is also illegal and pointing a gun in some states is considered an assault, so the video could show criminal activity on the part of the baby daddy.
Flipping out in general is not a crime, threatening language and illegal wiretapping are. They have a lot more to loose than you do.

Good luck and hope this helps.

On a personal note, it's never a good idea to have children with people you aren't married too. It is incredible the amount of trouble this can cause to both the parents and children, studies have shown that children born out of wedlock are much more likely to end up in poverty and be incarcerated.

This isn't legal advice, good luck and hope this helps.

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