Saturday, October 19, 2013

Is DSLR good for doing video recording?

best dslr camera for video recording 2013
 on Best DSLR cameras 2013 | Top rated DSLR cameras review | Best DSLR ...
best dslr camera for video recording 2013 image

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Is it wise to use it to replace DV

Probably this article with answer your question in best possible way.
It does a quick comparision of videos with point and shoot cameras, consumer grade camcorders and dSLRs. Most people use DSLRs for video without knowing that they are very capable of giving you professional quality videos.
See details on this link:

Canon Eos 600D (Rebel T3i) vs Sony Alpha SLT-A58?

Nabeel Ahm

I am a newbie in photography...This is going to be my first DSLR camera
I have these two choices-
Sony Alpha SLT-A58 and Canon EOS 600D (Rebel T3i)

I really dont know much about cameras so id like your opinion with pros and cons.

Assume there are two lenses
18-55mm and 50mm

What is the difference?
If we buy the 18-55 we can adjust it to 50mm which would give the same effect as 50mm so why buy another 50mm lense?
(I really dont know about lenses too so i might have said something stupid above ..Please clarify it for me)
So Canon Eos600D vs Sony Alpha SLT-A58
Which would u choose and why?

Both are great cameras. Either one will make happy. They both have more features than most of us would need in day in day out photography.If you are able to get-over Canon syndrome, I would recommend buying A58 as it has better image quality, AF in video and overall better video recording abilities and is lighter and thinner. Sony normally gives better features such as in camera HDR, fast auto focus, panoramas.

With regard to lenses, one very important number is F. 50mm lenses are prime lenses and they are usually much faster, sharper than 18-55mm kit lenses. Also, they can be used in low lights and for great portraits compared to 18-55mm lenses. Being fixed at 50mm focus length, you can not zoom but at wide aperture they give excellent background blur which wills stand out. Sony has 50mm F1.8 lense for around $180 or you can buy a used one for around $100. I would strongly recommend you to buy that lens too. If you want to buy only one lens, I would tell you to buy a fast 50mm lens if you are shooting mostly indoor and mostly people or pets.
Here is a photo I took on Pentax k-01 with a 45 year old 50mm lens. My friend had a camera 3 times more expensive but it struggled to shoot in this light.

As other answerer has mentioned, Pentax makes great cameras. K30 and K01 have great image quality and are sold at very attractive value prices.

Read this article to get over which camera is better dilemma:

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